Sydhavn - 2450
Børnehuset støberigade
About the Børnehuset foundry:
Børnehuset Støberigade and Skovbo offer day care for 136 children aged 0-6 years divided into 2 kindergarten groups and 3
Address: Støberigade 3, 2450 Copenhagen
Homepage: http://stoeberigade.kbhbarn.kk.dk/FrontEnd.aspx?id=871343
Børnehuset Sluseholmen
About Børnehuset Sluseholmen:
We are a municipal institution in the City of Copenhagen, which is standardized for 65 nursery children and 175 kindergarten children.
Address: Dexter Gordons Vej 1, 2450 Copenhagen
Børnehuset Vestre Teglgade
About Børnehuset Vestre Teglgade:
Pedagogical leader:
Tine Høffner tel. 60 60 90 33/cc2x@kk.dk
Address: Vestre Teglgade 16, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: http://vestreteglgade.kbhbarn.kk.dk/
Børnehuset i Sydhavnen
About Børnehuset in Sydhavnen:
We have 36 enrolled children in the nursery in 3 living rooms.
In addition, we have a kindergarten group under start-up that will land on 24 children
In the longer term, the orphanage will accommodate 12 groups of children, aged 0-6 years.
Address: Scandiagade 100, 2450 Copenhagen
Børnehaven Stubmøllen
About Børnehuset in Sydhavnen:
Stubmøllen is an integrated institution with nursery and kindergarten - where the kindergarten is located on Stubmøllevej no. 10 and the nursery is located on Grønrisvej no. 11. The kindergarten has 2 groups of children that are standardized for 22 children. the nursery has 3 groups of children which are standardized for 14 children.
Address: Stubmøllevej 10, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://pasningogskole.kk.dk/
Benediktegaardens Børnehave
About Benediktegaardens Kindergarten:
Benediktegården is a 0-6 year old integrated institution, with room for 52 nursery children and 66 kindergarten children
Address: Spontinisvej 22, 2450 Copenhagen
Wagnersvej børnehave
In the institution we have 24 children, which are divided into four rooms.
The staff consists of: educators, physiotherapists, a chef, a cleaning assistant, and an educational manager.
Tel. 36468440
Address: Wagnersvej 23
Website: http://wagnersvej.kbhbarn.kk.dk/FrontEnd.aspx?id=661326