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Sydhavn - 2450

Real estate agents


CEJ ejendomme

About Estate Sydhavn:

We offer buying and selling with honesty, experience, trust and personality. Therefore, you can always expect an absolute special treatment from start to finish, in all phases of the trade.

Estate Sydhavnen has also been named "Estate Broker of the Year 2015" for the entire Estate chain.

Phone: +45 33 31 24 50

Address: Borgbjergsvej 2, 2450 København SV



Danica Properties

About Danica Properties :

We invest in real estate and develop the properties we already have so that they are up-to-date and live up to customers' wishes and requirements. We are also building new in collaboration with future tenants and contractors

Tel. +45 45 14 96 16

Address: Parallelvej 17, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby



Danica Properties

About Danica Properties :

We invest in real estate and develop the properties we already have so that they are up-to-date and live up to customers' wishes and requirements. We are also building new in collaboration with future tenants and contractors

Tel. +45 45 14 96 16

Address: Parallelvej 17, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby



Danica Properties

About Danica Properties :

We invest in real estate and develop the properties we already have so that they are up-to-date and live up to customers' wishes and requirements. We are also building new in collaboration with future tenants and contractors

Tel. +45 45 14 96 16

Address: Parallelvej 17, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby



Danica Properties

Sluseholmen er en aktiv bydel med højt til himlen. Her kan du gå ture, løbe, cykle og endda sejle kajak. Her er både i vandet, fugle i luften, og nye bygninger, pladser og gårde, der skyder op. Og frem for alt er Sluseholmen tæt på det meste. På 10 minutter er du på Rådhuspladsen – og lige på den anden side af vandet ligger det naturskønne Amager Fælled.

Adresse: Sluseholmen 16A, 2450 København SV.

Telefon: 45 26 01 02



Danica Properties

Tangholm er den fjerde og den største af de seks boligøer, og består af 264 attraktive og moderne, men forskellige lejligheder. Foruden udsigt til havnefronten har alle lejlighederne mindst én altan, med udsigt til vand og flere har både altan og privat tagterrasse.

Telefon: +45 70 21 01 13

Hjemmeside: Se også

About us

Danica Ejendomme


Spar | En af de lokale

Scandic Sydhavn/Sluseholmen

Estate Sydhavn

LokalBolig Sydhavn

Nybolig Sydhavn

Supermarco | Italiensk supermarked


RealMæglerne Sydhavn

Copyright © 2020 by Sydhavn's business promotion association


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Our goal is to bring the old and new South Harbor together, to create more life and passage throughout the South Harbor.

The site is updated and operated by SMIT ApS

The site is managed by Sydhavnes business promotion association, if you want to be a member of the association you can contact us through the "Contact us" button in the top left corner.


The association has an address at Spar Købmanden Støberigade, 27-31, 2450 Copenhagen. CVR number: 42240621

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