Car dealers

Byens Billeje
About :
We are open from 8-16, however pick-up between 12-16 must be arranged in advance, as we can not otherwise guarantee that the office is staffed outside the period 08-12.
Tel. +45 33 26 21 21
Address: Bothhavnsgade 4, 2450 Copenhagen SW
Website: https://byensbilleje.dk/

Volkswagen Valby
About :
Volkswagen Valby is your authorized Volkswagen dealer and service partner. Here on our website you will find lots of information, practical advice, offers and much more, which should help to make life a little easier when you have to buy a car and when you use it in everyday life.
Tel. +45 36 17 77 77
Address: Spontinisvej 5, 2450 København SV
Website: https://www.vw-valby.dk/

Mercedes-Benz CPH | City
About :
When you as a customer visit Mercedes-Benz CPH, you visit Copenhagen and North Zealand's dealer of Mercedes-Benz products and services.
We sell and maintain Mercedes-Benz cars, vans and trucks and the small smart one in Greater Copenhagen and North Zealand.
Tel. +45 70 15 91 59
Address: Sydhavnsgade 16, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://www.mercedesbenzcph.dk/