Sydhavn - 2450
Electronics stores

About Proshop:
Large selection, cheap prices and fast delivery - At Proshop you will always find the most current products at the best prices and we pack ALL days of the week.
Address: Bothhavnsgade 2B, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://www.proshop.dk/

Malmbergs Proffsbutik
About Malmbergs Proffsbutik:
Malmbergs Sverige started its current company in 1981, where the company changed its status to being an import, agency and trading company with its own distribution and wholesale sales of electrical items to electrical installers, wholesalers and industry. In recent years, Malmbergs has increased its efforts on the development of its own branded products, EMV, by increasing the integration at the back of the manufacturing stage, with investments in both product development and design.
Address: Østre Teglgade 2, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://www.malmbergs.com/