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Sydhavn - 2450

Folkekirkens Nødhjælp Genbrug
About Boldklubben Frederiksholm Sydhavnen:
"Boldklubben Frederiksholm Sydhavnen is the place for you who want to play football in a social but ambitious football club. We have a clubhouse in Sydhavnen but play in Valby Idrætspark."
Address: P. Knudsens Gade 27, 2450 København SV
Boldklubben Frederiksholm's website:

Sydhavn Genbrugscenter
You may hear the game called AFL, Australian football, Aussie rules or simply footy, and it is the native sport of Australia that has been played for over 150 years.
Tel: 60 51 01 16
Address: Hammelstrupvej 48, 2450 København SV
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