Sydhavn - 2450
Hunde mad

Natural Dog
En af Tines store passioner, er hundetræning og stimulering. Hun har ikke nogen uddannelse, men er kommet godt efter klikker træning og shaping på hundetræningskurser. Tine mener at mange hunde måske keder sig lidt, uden at du som ejer ved det.
Tlf: 27112726
Adresse: Bådehavnsgade 38
København SV.

Peace & Beyond
We're The Munch Pit. A food truck business with a focus on healthy and easy edible delicious food, prepared with passion, love and with good quality ingredients.
Our Foodtruck is a popular truck with a stylish design, coal-sized with logo and our food concept written in white "Good Mood Food" cool and unique expression.
Good Mood Food is a trendy and hip food concept, a modern and simple combination of the best of Israeli and American cuisine, with a focus on taste and experience. It is delicious and convenient food that can be eaten on the go and with one hand, or with enjoy with the family at home.