Sydhavn - 2450
Welcome to Karens Minde Kulturhus - Sydhavnen's "red castle". A cultural oasis in the middle of green surroundings with exciting events all year round, one of the city's most heartwarming cafés and function rooms for your private party.
Karens Minde Kulturhus is located in the area of Karens Minde, which also houses a large number of other actors, such as Børnenes Dyremark, Sydhavnens Bibliotek, Børnekulturstedet and many more (see bottom of page). We also have Sct. Hans Hospital's 120-year-old dance pavilion, which today stands in Sydhavnen as part of Karen's Memorial Culture House.

Volunteer at Karens Minde
Karens Minde Kulturhus hides the special Sydhavns spirit, which cannot be described in words - you have to be a part of it.
Become a part of something bigger. Become part of the community. Become part of a creative and creative environment in an ambitious, loving and quirky house that works to deliver a thriving and vibrant culture to the people. Become part of Sydhavnen.
Help us look after the bar, unfold in our kitchen, help at concerts, or come up with a new initiative… we would love to hear your ideas.
Tel: 3366 8446
Address: Wagnersvej 19. 2450 København SV
Website: kmkulturhus.dk