Sydhavn - 2450
Sydhavn Parish has got a temporary church on water until the new church is completed.
Until the new church is completed on Teglholmen, Sydhavn Parish has been given the opportunity to borrow a slightly different temporary church from the Church Foundation - namely a houseboat church.
The houseboat church, which is also called Kirkeskibet 2450, is located at the quay at Alfred Nobel's Bridge on Teglholmen
As a starting point, Kirkeskibet 2450 functions as Sydhavnen's church no. 2. Here you can go to the high mass on the last Sunday of the month at 13, and one can have his children baptized or married just as in any other church.

Facts about the Church Ship 2450
• The houseboat church was built for the Church Foundation in 2019 by the company CC design.
• The price for the construction is just over 10 mill. kroner, which the Church Foundation has financed with funds from the sale of the now closed churches in Copenhagen.
• 150 covered sqm with room for about 100 people + a large terrace
• The houseboat church can easily be moved to a new location where a temporary church is needed, for example in Copenhagen's North Harbor.
The current location of the houseboat church is at Alfred Nobel's Bridge, Topstykket 20, 2450 KBH SV.