Sydhavn - 2450
Massage in Sydhavn

Copenlife Body Therapy
Body therapy treatment is based on in-depth and pulsating massage combined with physiotherapy, reflexology, acupressure and joint release.
Tel. +45 60 19 27 48
Address: Dexter Gordons Vej 59, 4. th, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://da-dk.facebook.com/pg/copenlife/about/?ref=page_internal

Younique Massage
Come treat your body and sooth the soul with a massage in our warm yoga room. We offer a variety of treatments that are catered to exactly what you are looking for. Another opportunity to take a moment for yourself and to allow your body and mind to fully and deeply relax.
Tel. +45 93 93 09 07
Address: Teglholmsgade 4, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: http://younique.dk/index-uk.html

Sawasdee Wellness thai massage
Treat yourself to a wonderful relaxing Thai massage
We offer various types of Thai massage which focus on getting the body in balance whether it is muscle pain, tension, stress, headaches, migraines or overload of the body.
Tel. +45 71 31 19 32
Address: Mozartsvej 9, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://sawasdeewellness.dk/

Sydhavnens Zoneterapi
It is my goal to grasp the self-healing powers that live within you. At the same time, I hope you can be motivated to be active in and curious about your own healing.
Tel. +45 26 82 77 53
Address: Mozartsvej 15, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://www.sydhavnenszoneterapi.dk/

Bremerstent Massage
Organic Massage Therapy (OMT). OMT contains techniques such as:
Massage, reflexology, 'light joint mobilization' and acupressure.
Acupressure is also often referred to as 'Japanese point massage', 'trigger point massage' and / or 'trigger point therapy'
Tel. +45 40 11 96 69
Address: Sjælør Blvd. 25, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: http://www.bremerstent.eu/

Organic Massage Therapy (OMT). OMT contains techniques such as:
Massage, reflexology, 'light joint mobilization' and acupressure.
Acupressure is also often referred to as 'Japanese point massage', 'trigger point massage' and / or 'trigger point therapy'
Tel. +45 40 11 96 69
Address: Sjælør Blvd. 25, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: http://www.bremerstent.eu/