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Sydhavn - 2450

Par- og Psykoterapeut

Hanne A. Petersen

Jeg tilbyder individuel terapi og parterapi i København SV for voksne og for unge. Det kan dreje sig om kortere eller længere forløb eller om enkelte samtaler om et afgrænset emne.

Tlf: 28 23 01 56
Adresse: Rossinisvej 18, 1.TH, 2450 København

Niklas Thrane

Med EMDR terapi kan du genoprette et balanceret nervesystem, skabe nye forbindelser i hjernen og slippe fastlåste emotionelle reaktioner, der har sat sig som symptomer i kroppen.

Tlf. +4530289438
Adresse: Ben Websters Vej 70, 2450 København

About us

Danica Ejendomme


Spar | En af de lokale

Scandic Sydhavn/Sluseholmen

Estate Sydhavn

LokalBolig Sydhavn

Nybolig Sydhavn

Supermarco | Italiensk supermarked


RealMæglerne Sydhavn

Copyright © 2020 by Sydhavn's business promotion association


All rights reserved. No images, text or parts of this website may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording and other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publishers.


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Our goal is to bring the old and new South Harbor together, to create more life and passage throughout the South Harbor.

The site is updated and operated by SMIT ApS

The site is managed by Sydhavnes business promotion association, if you want to be a member of the association you can contact us through the "Contact us" button in the top left corner.


The association has an address at Spar Købmanden Støberigade, 27-31, 2450 Copenhagen. CVR number: 42240621

Tak for din tilmelding.

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