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Sydhavn - 2450

Rowing, sailing and boat clubs in Sydhavn


Bådklubben Valby

About the boat club Valby:

"Bådklubben Valby (BKV) is a motorboat club with 87 places for motorboats and eight dinghy places and with a kayak department that has 24 kayak places and currently 45 members. In addition, club members (motorboat members) own the red boat sheds, a total of 34 sheds."

Address: Oscar Pettifords Vej 10, 2450 Copenhagen SW

Bådklubben Valby's website:

Bådklubben molen

About the boat club pier:

"Bådklubben Molen is located as the southernmost of the clubs in Kalvebodløbet and belongs to the Port of Copenhagen . The club's bridge has 31 berths of various sizes, where the maximum size is 4 x 11 meters"

Address: Sydløbsvej 3, 2450 Copenhagen

Bådklubben molen's website:


Sejlklubben tokosten

About the sailing club tokosten:

"Sejlklubben Tokosten is a marina in Copenhagen's south harbor, which as something special is an owner club. The harbor's position is: 55º38.33 ′ North 12º32.75 ′ East".

Address: Sejlklubvej 18, 2450 Copenhagen

Sejlklubben tokosten's website:


Motorbådsklubben west

About Motorboat Club west:

Rental of the Clubhouse
Rental of the clubhouse for
members price 1500, -
Not members Price3500, -

Address: Bothhavnsgade 27, 2450 Copenhagen

Motorboat Club West's website:


Sejlforening enighed

About Sailing Association agreement:

"The association is for sailboats. We are located in a distinctive and atmospheric little time pocket in Copenhagen's South Harbor, where our boats are well protected just south of the old lock - in Fiskerhavnen - with entry from Køge Bay through the picturesque calf penitentiary"

Address: Bothhavnsgade 41, 2450 Copenhagen



Bådeklubben sjællandsbro

About the Boat Club Zealand Bridge:

If you have questions about the Boat Club, or to the board, you can send us an email at and we will respond as soon as possible.

Address: Sejlklubvej 16, 2450 København SV

Boat club sjællandsbro website:


Københavns roklub

About Copenhagen's rowing club:

Kbh's Roklub is one of Denmark's largest rowing clubs. Close to Fisketorvet and with many opportunities for fun, competition and exercise.

Address: Tømmergravsgade 13, 2450 Copenhagen

københavns roklub's website:


Bådforeningen trekanten

About the boating association triangle:

The boating association has the following pitches: 4 large pitches 4 x 12 meters, 45 large pitches 3 x 12 meters, 36 small pitches 2.5 x 8 meters

Address: Thomas Koppels Allé 19, 2450 Copenhagen



Kalvebod Bådelaug

Klubbens formål: Er at samle medlemmer om alt af søsportslig interesse,
samt at arbejde for at fremme af søsporten i det storkøbenhavnske område.

Adresse: Sydløbsvej 1  2450 København SV

bådforeningen trekanten hjemmeside:

About us

Danica Ejendomme


Spar | En af de lokale

Scandic Sydhavn/Sluseholmen

Estate Sydhavn

LokalBolig Sydhavn

Nybolig Sydhavn

Supermarco | Italiensk supermarked


RealMæglerne Sydhavn

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Our goal is to bring the old and new South Harbor together, to create more life and passage throughout the South Harbor.

The site is updated and operated by SMIT ApS

The site is managed by Sydhavnes business promotion association, if you want to be a member of the association you can contact us through the "Contact us" button in the top left corner.


The association has an address at Spar Købmanden Støberigade, 27-31, 2450 Copenhagen. CVR number: 42240621

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