Sydhavn - 2450
Rowing, sailing and boat clubs in Sydhavn

Bådklubben Valby
About the boat club Valby:
"Bådklubben Valby (BKV) is a motorboat club with 87 places for motorboats and eight dinghy places and with a kayak department that has 24 kayak places and currently 45 members. In addition, club members (motorboat members) own the red boat sheds, a total of 34 sheds."
Address: Oscar Pettifords Vej 10, 2450 Copenhagen SW
Bådklubben Valby's website: http://www.xn--bdklubbenvalby-lib.dk/
Bådklubben molen
About the boat club pier:
"Bådklubben Molen is located as the southernmost of the clubs in Kalvebodløbet and belongs to the Port of Copenhagen . The club's bridge has 31 berths of various sizes, where the maximum size is 4 x 11 meters"
Address: Sydløbsvej 3, 2450 Copenhagen
Bådklubben molen's website: https://molen.dk/

Sejlklubben tokosten
About the sailing club tokosten:
"Sejlklubben Tokosten is a marina in Copenhagen's south harbor, which as something special is an owner club. The harbor's position is: 55º38.33 ′ North 12º32.75 ′ East".
Address: Sejlklubvej 18, 2450 Copenhagen
Sejlklubben tokosten's website: http://tokosten.dk/

Motorbådsklubben west
About Motorboat Club west:
Rental of the Clubhouse
Rental of the clubhouse for
members price 1500, -
Not members Price3500, -
Address: Bothhavnsgade 27, 2450 Copenhagen
Motorboat Club West's website: http://www.mkwest.dk/html/_klubhus_og_broer.html

Sejlforening enighed
About Sailing Association agreement:
"The association is for sailboats. We are located in a distinctive and atmospheric little time pocket in Copenhagen's South Harbor, where our boats are well protected just south of the old lock - in Fiskerhavnen - with entry from Køge Bay through the picturesque calf penitentiary"
Address: Bothhavnsgade 41, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://www.enighed.dk

Bådeklubben sjællandsbro
About the Boat Club Zealand Bridge:
If you have questions about the Boat Club, or to the board, you can send us an email at
Contactbks@bks-sejlklub.dk and we will respond as soon as possible.
Address: Sejlklubvej 16, 2450 København SV
Boat club sjællandsbro website: http://bks-sejlklub.dk/

Københavns roklub
About Copenhagen's rowing club:
Kbh's Roklub is one of Denmark's largest rowing clubs. Close to Fisketorvet and with many opportunities for fun, competition and exercise.
Address: Tømmergravsgade 13, 2450 Copenhagen
københavns roklub's website: http://www.koebenhavnsroklub.dk/

Bådforeningen trekanten
About the boating association triangle:
The boating association has the following pitches: 4 large pitches 4 x 12 meters, 45 large pitches 3 x 12 meters, 36 small pitches 2.5 x 8 meters
Address: Thomas Koppels Allé 19, 2450 Copenhagen

Kalvebod Bådelaug
Klubbens formål: Er at samle medlemmer om alt af søsportslig interesse,
samt at arbejde for at fremme af søsporten i det storkøbenhavnske område.
Adresse: Sydløbsvej 1 2450 København SV
bådforeningen trekanten hjemmeside: http://kb-kbh.dk/