
Skolen i sydhavn
About the School in Sydhavn:
The school in Sydhavnen is a brand new school inaugurated on September 4, 2015. It offers a lot of opportunities and opens up a fun and exciting process that requires both long-term visions and care as well as attention to detail.
Tel: 8232 50 10
Mail: skoleisydhavnen@buf.kk.dk
Address: Støberigade 1, 2450 København SV
Website: https://sis.aula.dk/

About Ellebjergskolen:
At Ellebjerg School, our goal is for all students
must discover and understand the world
developed into viable, curious, democratic and active citizens
Tel .: 35 30 24 50
Address: P. Knudsens Gade 76, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://ellebjergskole.aula.dk/

Hay skolen
About Hay School:
Hay School must be a positive alternative to primary school.
The school seeks to create a school environment in a fixed and safe environment, where the teaching staff, school management and other staff, students and parents show mutual respect and work together to create the best possible conditions for a good schooling.
Tel .: 36 30 99 49
Address: Stubmøllevej 35, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: http://hayskolen.dk/new/

About Strandparkskolen:
Strandparkskolen is a special school for 93 children, with far-reaching general learning difficulties aged 6-18. Our core task is to support the children's potentials for the greatest possible influence on their own lives. With high professionalism and commitment, we focus on the children's learning environment and development throughout the day.
Tel .: 36 14 14 80
Address: Thomas Koppels Allé 10, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://strandparkskolen.aula.dk/

Al-hikma Skolen
About Al-hikma School:
The values of the Al-Hikma school are inspired by the Islamic teachings on the one hand and by the Grundtvig-Kold free school tradition on the other. In line with the Grundtvig-Kold tradition, we believe that every human being is a unique and valuable individual who can end up in many different places depending on heritage and environment and the individual's choices in life.
Tel .: +45 36 17 85 11
Address: Ellebjergvej 50, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: http://www.alhikma.dk/