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About :

Today we are almost 100 members, of which approx. 76 between 6-23 years and a leadership group of 20 consisting of both new and experienced scout leaders. The scouts come mainly from the areas around us - Sydhavnen, Sluse- and Teglholmen, Valby and Frederiksberg.

Tel. +45 20 78 65 17

Address: Hammelstrupvej 35-37, 2450 København SV



KFUM-Spejderne i Danmark

About :

The KFUM Scouts are a scout corps with about 29,000 members throughout Denmark. Most of are children and young people, and a small proportion are adult leaders.

Our scout work is primarily aimed at children and young people, whom we want to support in becoming independent, honest, democratic and responsible adults who have respect for their surroundings and nature.

Tel. +4570102666

Address: Wagnersvej 33, 2450 Copenhagen



FDF K20 Sydhavn Sogn

About :

The KFUM Scouts are a scout corps with about 29,000 members throughout Denmark. Most of are children and young people, and a small proportion are adult leaders.

Our scout work is primarily aimed at children and young people, whom we want to support in becoming independent, honest, democratic and responsible adults who have respect for their surroundings and nature.

Tel. +4570102666

Address: Wagnersvej 33, 2450 Copenhagen



Søspejdergruppen Havets Helte


Havets Helte er en nystiftet søspejdergruppe under det Danske Spejderkorps.

Havets Helte holder til ved Sluseholmen i København, hvor vi samarbejder tæt med Skolen i Sydhavnen, som har en maritim og naturfaglig profil.

Adresse: Kenny Drews Vej 23, 3. th 2450 København SV



FDFs Bådelaug i Storkøbenhavn

Vi er hjemsted for FDF-søkredse i København og Frederiksberg. Pt. er to FDF kredse tilknyttet bådelauget F 8 Søkreds og K 20, og de bidrager til bestyrelsen, som kører bådelauget. 


Således er det et sted hvor en masse FDF-børn lærer at sejle. I nyere tid Har vi også fået samarbejde med Spejderne "Havets helte", men det er også et sted for lystsejlere og deres både.

Vores position i sydhavnen skaber gunstige forhold for at lære at sejle, og Køge Bugt ligger kun en lille tur væk.

Adresse: sejlklubvej 4 2450 københavn sv


About us

Danica Ejendomme


Spar | En af de lokale

Scandic Sydhavn/Sluseholmen

Estate Sydhavn

LokalBolig Sydhavn

Nybolig Sydhavn

Supermarco | Italiensk supermarked


RealMæglerne Sydhavn

Copyright © 2020 by Sydhavn's business promotion association


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Our goal is to bring the old and new South Harbor together, to create more life and passage throughout the South Harbor.

The site is updated and operated by SMIT ApS

The site is managed by Sydhavnes business promotion association, if you want to be a member of the association you can contact us through the "Contact us" button in the top left corner.


The association has an address at Spar Købmanden Støberigade, 27-31, 2450 Copenhagen. CVR number: 42240621

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