Sydhavn - 2450

Haveje Idrætsforening
Then all teams for next season are open for registration :)
Pilates is missing as we do not have an instructor - write to us at havejeif@havejeif.dk if you want to be :)
Phone: +45 20 16 76 77
Address: Oscar Pettifords Vej 5, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://www.havejeif.dk/

PAN Volleyball
Domains we know perform best when we trade in person - both with you and with our winemakers, so here you will find eco, bio and natural wines, as well as conventional - common to them all is that they are carefully selected and we know ” the perpetrators ”personally.
In 2016, our own import started with 3 wines: a chenin-based bush wine, Lare himself harvested and pressed in South Africa - a fresh Solaris from Scania and amphorae from Slovenia.
Phone: +45 27 79 54 12
Address: Julius Andersens Vej, 2450 Copenhagen
Website: https://panidraet.dk/en/sports/volleybal l /